Jeremiah 1:5 Before I formed you…I knew you
The night of July 4th 2014 remains unforgotten to me. I closed the MPESA shop in Kahawa West at 9pm as I usually did and was headed home when two fellows sandwiched me and demanded money. As innocent as I was, I couldn’t see any big deal telling them that I had nothing with me. I was given a hard facial punch and a sweep that send me to the ground. I surrendered my phone and thought they would leave me but how wrong could I be?? In fact, one of them removed a gun and hit my head with it then pointed on my forehead. That is when I knew things were intense and surrendered everything. I usually recall that ordeal with a lot of questions like, what if the gun was loaded and that guy pulled the trigger?
We all have encountered such devastating moments in our lives. But I wonder whether you ever ask yourself why God has consistently been faithful over your life and given you uncountable second chances. I got you an answer. Because He knows you! God knows us.
None of us escape our omniscient (all-knowing) Creator’s notice. He told the prophet Jeremiah, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you” (Jeremiah 1:5). God knows us more intimately than any person ever could and is able to give our lives purpose and meaning unlike any other. He not only formed us through His wisdom and power, but He also sustains every moment of our existence—including the personal details that occur every moment without our awareness: from the beating of our hearts to the intricate functioning of our brains.
Reflecting on how our heavenly Father holds together every aspect of our existence, David exclaimed, “How precious to me are your thoughts, God!” (Psalm 139:17). God is closer to us than our last breath. He made us, knows us, and loves us, and He’s ever worthy of our worship and praise.
Discussion4 Comments
Amazing to know that God owns us together with everything we have in and out.
Yes. Very sweet
Would like to get your personal phone number.
Powerful encourangement. God knows me, in and out, He even knows the next step am to take…..
Blessings Sam.